Course name | Academic tutor | Year/Semester; Type of studies | File |
Word and Image Studio | dr Katarzyna Gemborys | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (423.93 KB) |
Word and Image Studio | dr Katarzyna Gemborys | 2nd year / 3rd and 4th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (423.93 KB) |
Design and organization of space | Tomasz Niedziółka | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (41.81 KB) |
Art in public space | dr Tomasz Opania | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (36.20 KB) |
Painting | prof. Piotr C. Kowalski | 5th year / 9th and 10th semester; full-time one-tier MFA studies | PDF (397.23 KB) |
Painting | prof. Piotr C. Kowalski | 3rd year / 5th and 6th semester; full-time one-tier MFA studies | PDF (561.69 KB) |
Philosophy | prof. dr hab. Piotr Dehnel | 2nd year / 3rd and 4th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (358.59 KB) |
Art Theory | dr Anita Wincencjusz-Patyna | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (416.06 KB) |
Art Theory | dr Anita Wincencjusz-Patyna | 2nd year of studies / 3rd and 4th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (415.93 KB) |
Art Theory | dr Anita Wincencjusz-Patyna | 3rd year of studies / 5th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (357.93 KB) |
Painting | prof. Piotr C. Kowalski | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time BFA studies / one-tier MFA studies | PDF (611.90 KB) |
Painting | prof. Piotr C. Kowalski | 2nd year / 3rd and 4th semester; full-time, BFA studies / one-tier MFA studies | PDF (523.46 KB) |
Painting | prof. Piotr C. Kowalski | 4nd year / 7rd and 8th semester; full-time, BFA studies / one-tier MFA studies | PDF (557.92 KB) |
Thesis Seminar | dr Anita Wincencjusz-Patyna | 3rd year / 5th and 6th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (432.54 KB) |
The Art History and Aesthetics | dr Marek Śnieciński | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (154.75 KB) |
The Art History and Aesthetics | dr Marek Śnieciński | 2nd year/ 3th and 4th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (169.72 KB) |
Philosophy | dr Jacek Rogucki | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (206.95 KB) |
Issues in Contemporary Art | Andrzej Kostołowski, PhD | 2nd year / 3th and 4th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (274.76 KB) |
Issues in Contemporary Art | Andrzej Kostołowski, PhD | 3rd year / 5th and 6th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (275.18 KB) |
Issues in Contemporary and Current Art | Andrzej Kostołowski, PhD | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; two-tier MFA studies | PDF (304.80 KB) |
Issues in Contemporary and Current Art | Andrzej Kostołowski, PhD | 2nd year/ 3th and 4th semester; ftwo-tier MFA studies | PDF (276.31 KB) |
Studio of creative communication | prof. Eugeniusz Józefowski | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (140.42 KB) |
Studio of creative communication | prof. Eugeniusz Józefowski | 2nd year / 3rd and 4th semester; fill-time BFA studies | PDF (140.42 KB) |
Studio of creative communication | prof. Eugeniusz Józefowski | 3rd year / 5th and 6th semester; full-time BFA stadies | PDF (140.42 KB) |
Educational Creativity Workshop | prof. Eugeniusz Józefowski | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (107.05 KB) |
Photography | Academic Professor Piotr Komorowski | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (80.48 KB) |
Grafika warsztatowa | prof. Anna Janusz-Strzyż | 2nd year / 3rd and 4th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (278.90 KB) |
Grafika warsztatowa | prof. Anna Janusz-Strzyż | 3nd year / 4rd and 5th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (292.02 KB) |
Grafika warsztatowa | prof. Anna Janusz-Strzyż | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (299.62 KB) |
Grafika warsztatowa | prof. Anna Janusz-Strzyż | 2st year / 3st and 4nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (310.15 KB) |
Language of Contemporary Media (In Art) | wykł. Piotr Krajewski | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (288.90 KB) |
Art Mediation: selected issues | wykł. Piotr Krajewski | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (231.99 KB) |
Language Of Contemporary Media (In Art) | wykł. Piotr Krajewski | 2st year / 3st and 4nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (262.12 KB) |
Art Mediation: selected issues | wykł. Piotr Krajewski | 2st year / 3st and 4nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (230.85 KB) |
Media Art | wykł. Piotr Krajewski | 3nd year / 5rd and 6th semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (267.06 KB) |
Curatorial Projects | wykł. Piotr Krajewski | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (283.68 KB) |
Spatial Relations Studio | Maria Wrońska | 2nd year / 3rd and 4th semester full-time BFA studies 3rd year / 5th and 6th full-time BFA studies 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time MFA studies 2nd year / 3rd and 4th semester full-time MFA studies | PDF (98.25 KB) |
Spatial Relations Studio | Maria Wrońska | 2nd year / 3rd and 4th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (102.27 KB) |
Sculpture | Maria Wrońska | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; 2nd year / 3rd and 4th semester; 3rd year / 5th and 6th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (90.51 KB) |
Drawing in Spatial Creation | Maria Wrońska | 3rd year / 5th and 6th semester; full-time BFA studies | PDF (86.05 KB) |
DiplomaSeminar | Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka | 5th year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time master's degree studies | PDF (68.32 KB) |
Art in public space | dr Tomasz Opania | 1st year / 1st and 2nd semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (45.38 KB) |
Multimedia ways of communication and presentation | dr Tomasz Opania | 2nd year / 3rd and 4th semester; full-time MFA studies | PDF (33.08 KB) |
PHILOSOPHY | dr Agnieszka Badura | 1st year / 1st and 2nd sem.; 2nd year / 1st sem. full-time MFA studies | PDF (64.35 KB) |
Performance Art Workshops | dr Ewa Zarzycka | 1st year, 1st and 2nd semester, full-time MFA studies | PDF (56.92 KB) |
IT techniques | Mgr Janusz Czyżewicz | 1nd year, 1rd and 2th semester, full-time BFA studies | PDF (60.41 KB) |
Multimedia | Mgr Janusz Czyżewicz | 1nd year, 1rd and 2th semester, full-time BFA studies | PDF (61.18 KB) |
Presentation and documentation of contemporary art | Mgr Marcin Mierzicki | 3rd year, 5th and 6th sem. full-time BFA studies | PDF (77.16 KB) |
IT techniques | Mgr Jeremi Jędroś | 1nd year, 1rd and 2th semester, full-time MFA studies | PDF (50.28 KB) |